Our Monasteries
“We are one family born as such of the Heart of Jesus and spread abroad in various places for the extension of His kingdom.”
At this time, our congregation welcomes visitors at 11 monasteries all over the world:
London, England
Tyburn Convent
8 Hyde Park Place
London W2 2LJ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)207-723 726 2
Largs, Scotland
Benedictine Monastery
5 Mackerston Place
Largs KA30 8BY
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)1475-687 320
Cobh, Ireland
St Benedict's Priory
The Mount
Cobh, Co. Cork
Phone: +353 (0)214-811 354
Riverstone, Australia
Tyburn Priory
325 Garfield Road, Riverstone
NSW 2765
Phone: +61 (0)2-962 751 71
Sechura, Peru
EI Monasterio del Sagrado Corazon
Plaza Juan Pablo II, Sechura
Phone: +51 (0)73-377 271
Bombay, New Zealand
Tyburn Monastery
100 Chamberlain Road, R.D. Bombay, South Auckland, 2675
New Zealand
Phone: +64 (0)9-236 059 8
Loja, Ecuador
Tyburn Monasterio
Puerta del Cielo
Apartado 11-01-403, Loja
Phone: +593 (0)7-302 509 8
Guatapè, Colombia
Tyburn Monasterio
Paraclito Divino
Oficina de Correos
Guatape, Antioquia
Phone: +57 (0)3-128 623 744
Rome, Italy
Monastero Madonna
Dell' Eucaristia
Via Cardinal Bofondi, 10
00165 Roma
Phone: +39 (0)6-644 002 20
Ngakuru, New Zealand
Tyburn Monastery
Cor lesu Fons Vitae
74 Dods Road, Ngakuru
Rotorua, 3077
New Zealand
Phone: +64 (0)7-333 237 8
St. Loup-sur-Aujun, France
Tyburn Monastere
du Creur
Eucharistique de Jesus
3, rue du Couvent
52210 St Loup-sur-Aujon
Phone: +33 (0)3-258 440 72